Adult Ministries

Ministries for Adults

  • Parish Family Night (All Ages, Children, Youth, and Adults)

    Parish Family Nights offer monthly opportunities for growth in faith, fellowship, and fun for the entire family. Over the course of an evening, St. Andrew’s Parish Family Nights include dinner, drinks (for adults), crafts, activities, and small group discussions for all. Parish Family Nights are intended for all members of the St Andrew community of all ages. This ministry breaks the group into discussion/activity groups based on age to encourage fellowship and engagement among the adults, teens, and children of our parish. Parish Family Night information is found on our parish calendar and our weekly parish email. Click the button below to be added to our listserv.

  • Adult Ministry

    St. Andrew’s Adult Ministries serves all of our community's adults. We split our time between large fellowship activities and small groups. The small groups strive to build deeper relationships within our Parish Family, and spiritually nourish our faithful. St. Andrew’s Adult Ministry information is found on our parish calendar and our weekly parish email. Click the button below to be added to our listserv.

  • Young At Heart

    Our Young at Heart Ministry provides a space of spiritual and social strength, fellowship, and enrichment for the senior members of our parish. Events are balanced between activities at the Church and outings to local places of interest, including monthly lunches. Young at Heart information is found on our parish calendar and our weekly parish email. Click the button below to be added to our listserv