Our Leadership


His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael

His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago is the second metropolitan to preside over the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, consisting of 58 parishes and 2 monastic communities in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, central Missouri, and northern Indiana.

You can learn more about His Eminence here.

Rev. Fr. Kosmas Kallis

Born in Livonia, Michigan, Fr. Kosmas was shaped by the Church. He served as an altar boy in his home parish and participated in GOYA, Summer Camp and the CrossRoad Institute. He earned a BA in Religious Studies from Hellenic College in 2012 and an MDiv (with High Distinction) from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 2014. Soon after graduation, Fr. Kosmas joined the Saints Peter and Paul parish as a full-time youth director, a position he held until 2018. He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate in October of 2015 and to the Holy Priesthood in March of 2016. In January of 2019, Fr. Kosmas was appointed Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries of the Chicago Metropolis. On November 1, 2023, he was assigned to serve as Pastor (Proistamenos) of the St. Andrew parish. Fr. Kosmas is married to Anna Kallis, and they have a son named Jonah, and a daughter named Mara.

V. Rev. Fr. Simeon Johnson

Rev. Fr. Simeon Johnson has been serving at St. Andrew since November 2019. Raised in a nominally Lutheran family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, his first exposure to Orthodox Christianity was a Greek great-uncle that he saw pray regularly. Later in confirmation class, he heard the word “homoousion” or “of one essence” from the Nicene Creed which made a deep impression him.  This word and the example of his great uncle prompted a search for a more complete understanding of Christ which in turn led him to the Ecumenical Councils and the Orthodox Church during his first year in college.  After graduating from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee with a bachelor’s degree in history and political science, he studied at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary from which he graduated in 1976.  He was fortunate to have studied under the Frs. Alexander Schmemann and John Meyendorff during his seminary years. This was followed by further years of study of Orthodoxy in America and ecclesiology. Fr. Simeon was ordained to the diaconate on February 16, 1980, and to the priesthood on August 16, 1981.  He has served in parishes in Milwaukee, Minneapolis and throughout the Chicago metro area including St. George, Annunciation Cathedral, St. Nectarios, and now St. Andrew’s.  His move to Chicago was prompted by educational opportunities but provided opportunities to serve and teach in our parishes.  He specializes in Adult Religious Education. On November 30, 2018, His Eminence, Metropolitan Nathanael, elevated Fr. Simeon to the rank of Archimandrite. Since graduating from seminary, Fr. Simeon has, also, focused on higher education. He holds a Master of Arts in Russian and Modern European History from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee with a thesis entitled “Russian Orthodox Clergy in the Duma and Senate, 1906-1907: A House Divided”. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy in History in 2005 with his dissertation entitled “Imperial Commission or Orthodox Mission: Nikolai Iliminskii’s Work among the Tatars of Kazan, 1862-1891”.  Once again, his work was in Russian and Modern European History.  Fr. Simeon teaches at a local university.

Staff & Lay Leadership

Mark G. Poulakidas, Parish Council President

Hellena Chrones, Ladies Philoptochos President

Stavros & Tracy Lazos, Ministry Directors

Tracey Lazos was raised as a United Methodist preacher's kid (PK) in Cincinnati, OH and studied comparative religion at Emory University, later converting to Orthodoxy in her twenties.  Tracey has been the St. Andrew Sunday School Director and Junior Olympics Coordinator since 2015. Through education, outreach and community, she seeks to connect faith to day-to-day life for the youth of our parish. She also holds leadership roles in various school-based organizations.  Tracey is a market strategy leader at TransUnion where she has worked for over 20 years.

Stavros Lazos is originally from Atlanta, GA where he has fond memories and lifelong friends from his GOYA days.  Coaching since his twenties, Stavros was excited to take on the opportunity to be Athletic Director at St. Andrew.  In 2016, with the support of the Parish priests, Stavros along with Alex Blathras launched the combined St. Andrew/St. George GOAL program - fondly known as STAG. He has led the STAG teams to championship games and continues to grow the program.  More importantly, he celebrates the fellowship and camaraderie of the players, coaches and parents.  Stavros is an options trader and commercial real estate investor, putting to great use his economics degree from Emory University.

Together Tracey and Stavros, along with their three kids, were welcomed into the St. Andrew family upon moving to Chicago.  They are excited to serve our Parish community and help nurture a vibrant, welcoming Church-home for children of all ages.

Constantine Theodoropoulos, Head Chantor (Protopsaltis)

Constantine Theodoropoulos has been the Protopsalti at St. Andrew since November of 2021. He first started learning Byzantine music in his early years of college from Niko Christacos, and Fr. John Kalomas. He is an active member in the St. John of Damascus Sylogo of chanters in the greater chicago land area.

Peter Jermihov, Choir Director

Peter Jermihov holds the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in conducting from the University of Illinois at Urbana and is a Grammy-nominated conductor, guest-conducting professional choirs and orchestras throughout the US, Europe, and Asia. He is a student of the famed master-teacher Ilya Musin of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. For a full biography, visit www.peterjermihov.com or www.societyromanos.org or Who’s Who in America 2023, pages 1947-1948.

“Dr. J” began his service to the Orthodox Church at age 14, singing to the Glory of God as choir director and chanter in multiple jurisdictions, including the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, the OCA, the ROCOR, and the Moscow Patriarchate; he is in his 18th year of directing the church choir at St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church and is founder and artistic director of the Society of Saint Romanos the Melodist in Chicago. “Dr. J” is passionately devoted to liturgical singing and bringing the beauty of Orthodox hymns and culture to the minds and hearts of the praying Faithful and heterodox. “Dr. Peter” is happily married to Dr. Irina Riazanova, organist at St. Andrew Church, for 37 years; they have devoted their lives to two beautiful children—Nicholas and Anastasia. Family Jermihov built a house in the countryside (with their own hands) and love being closer to Christ in nature.

Vivian Davros, Office Manager & Financial Secretary

Vivian Loucas Davros was born in London, Ontario and moved to Chicago with her family in 1969.  She received a BA in Accounting and one in Economics from Northeastern Illinois University.     Upon graduation she went to work as an accountant for NCI, which was a pioneer for Vision Care Insurance in the Chicagoland area.

Vivan has been attending St. Andrew’s since the mid 1980’s and has been actively involved in almost all of the ministries, including serving as President of the PTO.  She started working in the office in June 1994 as a temporary part-time employee, and the rest is history.

Vivian is married to Michael Davros, and they have three children – Athena, George, and Constantine “Dino”, as well as several grandchildren.

Alejandra Franco, Corresponding Secretary & Sacraments

Alejandra Franco was born in Mexico City, has a degree in International Business from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara (UAG). She has been an entrepreneur since she was 17 years old, came to Chicago to improve her English and never went back home.

Alejandra worked at a tool and die shop where she oversaw importing and exporting. She worked at a car dealership in sales and accounts receivable, as well as a paralegal for a law practice.

Of her many passions, Alejandra has been a fashion stylist for over 15 years in conjunction with being at St. Andrew’s for the past 9 years.

Alejandra is the oldest of 3 siblings, has 2 children (Christopher and Sofia), is married to Brian Swanson, together they have a little rescue dog (Bug).

David Hernandez, Facilities Manager

David Hernandez has been with St. Andrews Orthodox Parish for 5 years. Originally born and raised in Mexico, David moved to Chicago in the late 80's to find new opportunities. While working, he met his wife and decided to permanently stay in the city to create a new home. David and his wife, Emily, have been happily married for 35 years and have 3 children together. David finds joy in figuring out and resolving issues or any problems that arise. Recently, David went back to school and received his HVAC certification to further his maintenance and repair knowledge. David is proud to work at St. Andrews and be proud of this new community.

Jason Lavoie, Sacristan

Jason Lavoie was born and raised in West Warwick, Rhode Island.  He was received into the Orthodox Church as a young man at the Church of the Annunciation in Cranston, RI.  Since his reception into the church he has assisted with various parish responsibilities, and has served various parishes as a reader, chanter, acolyte, catechist, and janitor.  He moved to Chicago in the summer of 2021 to be closer to his wife's family, and took on the position of sacristan here at her family parish in the spring of 2024.